型号<\/strong><\/td> | 制造商<\/strong><\/td> | 描述<\/strong><\/td> | 实时库存<\/strong><\/td> | 起订量<\/strong><\/td> | 实时单价 (含税)<\/strong><\/td> | 货期 (工作日)<\/strong><\/td> | 操作<\/strong><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X025 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X025<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, with Crimp Contact for 25mm2 cable, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥235.42 ¥222.42 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X035 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X035<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, with Crimp Contact for 35mm2 cable, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥241.92 ¥228.57 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X070 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X070<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, with Crimp Contact for 70mm2 cable, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥241.92 ¥228.57 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X050 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X050<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, with Crimp Contact for 50mm2 cable, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥241.92 ¥228.57 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X0H8 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X0H8<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, M8 Busbar Contact Termination, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥268.16 ¥253.39 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> |
HVSL1000041X0D8 库存编号:523-HVSL1000041X0D8<\/td> | Amphenol Corporation <\/td> | Automotive Connectors HVSL 1000 Single Pole Box Mount Receptacle, without HVIL, Internal M8 Thread Contact Termination, x = Keying (A, B, C, or D)<\/td> | 0<\/b> 84起订<\/td> | 84+ 252+ <\/td> | ¥294.28 ¥278.09 <\/td> | 6-10天 | 询价<\/a><\/td> <\/tr><\/table><\/div>"; }} if(document.getElementById("inc_stock2015txt27")) {if(document.getElementById("inc_stock2015txt27").style){document.getElementById("inc_stock2015txt27").style.display=""; document.getElementById("inc_stock2015txt27").innerHTML=" |